Kamis, 23 September 2010

The importance and necessity of after school activities

Many parents feel that pressure on today's students who can be cruel to consider enrolling their children in after school activities and programmes. But there are very good reasons why it is an act of the responsibility of parents to take this course of action.

After school activities or programs become more and more popular in recent years. Growth was pretty amazing. The main reason for this is a process template from parents. It is expected that the average child spends approximately 15-20 hours a week with no parents or even adult supervision. They were left to fend for themselves, and many turn to petty crime, as a means to facilitate their boredom and lack of structure.How many of us have seen documentaries on youth gangs where most of them say "there is nothing better to do here" or something similar. after school excellent remedy for this situation.

Generally understood as an offence in its most common after school day.I don't claim that this is entirely due to delinquency of today's youth, although it certainly played a part; however, this part of the day is also a dangerous time child with many houses travel unattended and possibly risk.After school activities allow children to be occupied during that time, and allows a parent or other trusted adult time, pick them up at school after work.

Another ' big ' concern for our children now as they are prone to obesity. with the advent of computer games, Internet communications, junk food, and a lack of parent s health of our children at high risk and should not be taken lightly. well-structured and physical activities after school can distract from the desire to be at home and help their physical condition and development as well as an increase in social skills and abilities and to help create a more rounded, healthy adults in subsequent years.

There are a lot of pressure from parents and teachers to children seriously studying academic prowess that much coveted goal, but the thought and attention should be paid to the preparation of your child or children to life as an adult and the social, physical and psychological benefits gained from after school activities make it an integral part of your child's progress in adult life.

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